Minipops was a television series broadcast in 1983 in the United Kingdom. Designed primarily for younger viewers, it consisted of music performances on a brightly coloured set featuring preteen children singing then-contemporary pop music hits and older classics. The children were usually made to look like the original performers, including clothing and make-up. The brainchild of Martin Wyatt, the show was cancelled after the first year (due to the controversial adult lyrics), but a new kid spin-off group from London called the Mini-Pops was created and they released albums by K-tel in 1982 and 1983. Their popularity soared in Canada after a tour there in 1983, prompting a final album on K-tel ("Christmas
Name Vars
- Mini Pops
- MiniPops
- Minipops
- MiniPops
- The Mini Pops
- The Mini-Pops
- The Minipops