Untitled by Misogine Machine is a thought-provoking and intense album that explores themes of gender, power, and oppression through a blend of industrial, electronic, and experimental music. The band's unique sound is characterized by heavy beats, distorted vocals, and eerie soundscapes that create a dark and unsettling atmosphere.
The album opens with "Intro," a haunting instrumental track that sets the tone for the rest of the album. "Femme Fatale" is a standout track that features aggressive beats, distorted vocals, and a powerful message about the dangers of toxic masculinity. "Patriarchy" is another highlight, with its driving rhythms and searing lyrics about the ways in which men hold power over women.
Throughout the album, Misogine Machine uses their music to challenge societal norms and expose the ways in which gender inequality is deeply ingrained in our culture. While the subject matter can be heavy at times, the band's inventive use of sound and rhythm keeps the listener engaged and intrigued.