Vladimir Cosma, the renowned French-Romanian composer, has released a new album that showcases his diverse musical abilities. The album, which is self-titled, features 12 tracks that range from classical to jazz and even rock.
The album starts off with the upbeat track "Jazz and Java," which is a fusion of jazz and traditional Indonesian music. It then moves on to the more classical "Symphony No. 1," which is a beautifully orchestrated piece that showcases Cosma's classical training.
One of the standout tracks on the album is "Rocking Chair," which is a bluesy rock track that features some impressive guitar work. The track "Tango for T" is another highlight, with its catchy melody and sultry tango rhythm.
Cosma's versatility as a composer is on full display on this album, and it's clear that he has a deep love and understanding of all genres of music. The album is a true testament to his talent and his ability to create music that is both beautiful and diverse.