Bobby Dukoff's album, Drifting And Dreaming Choombi, is a masterpiece of jazz music. His tenor saxophone blends perfectly with the orchestra and chorus, creating a mesmerizing sound that takes the listener on a journey through different moods and emotions.
The album opens with the title track, "Drifting And Dreaming Choombi," a slow and dreamy melody that sets the tone for the rest of the album. The saxophone takes center stage, supported by the lush strings and delicate choir.
As the album progresses, Dukoff showcases his versatility as a musician, switching between fast-paced and upbeat tracks like "Jumpin' With Symphony Sid" and "Perdido," to more mellow and introspective pieces like "I'm Through With Love" and "My Ideal."
The arrangements are flawless, with each instrument and voice adding depth and texture to the overall sound. The saxophone, however, remains the star of the show, and Dukoff's virtuosity is on full display.