No Artist - Radions Fågel Skivor


Review by Midori Shimizu

Radions Fågel Skivor is an album that truly stands out from the rest. Composed by No Artist, this album is a unique blend of electronic and ambient music that is both soothing and captivating. The album features a total of 10 tracks, each one telling its own story and taking the listener on a journey through soundscapes that are both beautiful and haunting.

The album opens with the track "Vingslag", which sets the tone for the rest of the album with its gentle melodies and ethereal sounds. This is followed by "Fågelburen", a track that is both dreamy and melancholic, creating a sense of longing and nostalgia. Other standout tracks include "Fjäderlätta", "Sånger om fåglar", and "Fågelsång", which all showcase No Artist's incredible ability to create intricate and captivating soundscapes.

Download No Artist - Radions Fågel Skivor
Artist: No Artist
Album: Radions Fågel Skivor
Rating: 3.0

Table of Contents


  • MP3 size: 1185.8 mb
  • FLAC size: 7592.2 mb


Ärtsångare (Sylvia Curruca)
Smålom (Gravia Stellata)
Nötskrika (Garrulus Glandarius)
Blåmes (Parus Caeruleus)
Gärdsmyg (Troglodytes Troglodytes)
Enkelbeckasin (Capella Gallinago)
Grönsångare (Phylloscopus Sibilatrix)
Brun Kärrhök
Storskrake (Mergy Merganser)
Talltita (Parus Atricapillus)
Sånglärka (Alauda Arvensis)
Gråsiska (Carduelis Flammea)
Lunnefågel (Fratercula Arctica)
Trastsångare (Acrocephalus Arundinaceus)
Rödstjärt (Phoenicurus Phoenicurus)
Sävsparv (Emberiza Schoeniclus)
Tretålg Mås
Gulsångare (Hippolais Icterina)
Järnsparv (Prunella Modularis)
Smalnäbbad Simsnäppa (Phalaropus Lobatus)
Årta (Anas Querquedula)
Tofsvipa (Vanellus Vanellus)
Flodsångare (Locustella Fluviatilis)
Tobisgrissla (Cepphus Grylle)
Trädkrypare (Certhia Familiaris)
Myrspov (Limosa Lapponia)
Grönfink (Chloris Chloris)
Svartmes (Parus Ater)
Alfågel (Clangula Hyemalis)
Spillkråka (Dryocopus Martius)
Skata (Pica Pica)
Taltrast (Turdus Ericetorum Philomelos)
Trädpiplärka (Anthus Trivialis)
Rörsångare (Acrocephalus Scirpaceus)
Dubbeltrast (Turdus Viscivorus)
Sångsvan (Cygnus Cygnus)
Kornknarr (Crex Crex)
Trana (Grus Grus)
Fiskmåss (Larus Canus)
Gräshoppsångare (Locustella Naevia)
Grönsiska (Carduelis Spinus)
Gyllensparv (Emberiza Aureala)
Gök (Cuculus Canorus)
Fjällgås (Anser Erythropus)
Pilfink (Passer Montanus)
Skredand (Anas Clypeata)
Gräsand (Anas Platyrhybchos)
Tordmule (Alca Torda)
Rödbena (Tringa Totanus)
Svart Kråka (Corvus Corone)
Kärrsångare (Acrocephalus Palustris)
Kungsfågel (Regulus Regulus)
Lövsångare (Phylloscopus Trochilus Acredula)
Duvhök (Accipiter Gentilis)
Småskarke (Mergus Serrator)
Sparvuggla (Glaucidium Passerinum)
Björktrast (Snöskata - Turdus Pilaris)
Nordsångare (Phylloscopus Borealis)
Ängspiplärka (Anthus Pratensis)
Småfläckig Sumphöna (Porzana Porzana)
Vitkindad Gås (Branta Leucopsis)
Morkulla (Scopopax Rusticola)
Nattskärra (Caprimulgus Europaeus)
Gråsparv (Passer Domesticus)
Skogssnäppa (Tringa Ochropus)
Steglits (Carduelis Carduelis)
Ortolansparv (Emberiza Hortulana)
Kaja (Corvus Monedula)
Koltrast (Turdus Merula)
Törnskata (Lanius Collurio)
Nötkråka (Nucifraga Caryocatactes)
Busksångare (Acrocephalus Dumetorum)
Tornuggla (Tyto Alba)
Mindra Lira
Härfågel (Upupa Epops)
Knölsvan (Cygnus Olor)
Sillgrissla (Uria Aalge Intermedia)
Drillsnäppa (Tringa Hypoleucos)
Tuvsnäppa (Calidris Melanotos)
Gröngöling (Picus Viridis)
Videsparv (Emberiza Rustica)
Trädgårdssångare (Sylvia Borin)
Berguv (Bubo Bubo)
Rödspov (Limosa Limosa)
Dvärgsumphöna (Porzana Pusilla Intermedia)
Rosenfink (Carpodacus Erythrinus)
Rödstrupig Piplärka
Blå Kärrhök
Sävsångare (Acrocephalus Schoenobaenus)
Storlom (Gavia Arctica)
Talgoxe (Parus Major)
Gulsparv (Emberiza Citrinella)
Rödvingetrast (Turdus Musicus)
Svarthätta (Sylvia Atricapilla)
Klykstjärtad Stormsvala
Svartvit Flugsnappare (Muscicapa Hypoleuca)
Gransångare (Phylloscopus Collybita)
Hornuggla (Asio Otus)
Rödhake (Erithacus Rubecula)
Göktyta (Jynx Torquilla)
Korp (Corvus Corax)
Fjällpipare (Charadrius Morinellus)
Snösparv (Plectrophenax Nivalis)
Grågås (Anser Anser)
Storspov (Numenius Arquata)
Kricka (Anas Crecca)
Mindre Kärrhök
Stare (Sturnus Vulgaris)
Berglärka (Eremophila Alpestris)
Gluttsnäppa (Tringa Nebularia)
Kanadagås (Branta Canadensis)
Skrattmås (Larus Ridibundus)
Vattenrall (Rallus Aquaticus)
Grå Kråka (Corvus Cornix)
Bofink (Fringilla Coelebs)
Brun Glada
Rördrom (Botaurus Stellaris)
Näktergal (Luscinia Luscinia)
Liten Sumphöna (Porzana Parva)
Vitstjärnig Blåhake (Luscinia Svecica Cyanecula)
Jorduggla (Asio Flammeus)
Törnsångare (Sylvia Communis)
Sädgås (Anser Fabalis)
Nötväcka (Sitta Europaea)
Lundsångare (Phylloscopus Trociloides)
Svärta (Melanitta Fusca)
Sommargylling (Oriolus Oriolus)
Råka (Corvus Frugilegus)
Buskskvätta (Saxicola Rubetra)
Blåhake (Luscinia S. Svecica)
Pärluggla (Aegolius Funereus)
Dvärgmås (Larus Minutus)


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Catalog Numbers

  • RFEP 219
  • RFEP 221
  • RFEP 205
  • RFEP 231
  • RFEP 212
  • RFEP 227
  • RFEP 201
  • RFEP 209
  • RFEP 214
  • RFEP 217
  • RFEP 213
  • RFEP 228
  • RFEP 211
  • RFEP 204
  • RFEP 207
  • RFEP 203
  • RFEP 210
  • RFEP 215
  • RFEP 206
  • RFEP 234
  • RFEP 208
  • RFEP 202
  • RFEP 238


Sveriges Radio

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  • Vinyl
  • 7"
  • 45 RPM
  • EP


Copyright (c)Sveriges Radio
Printed ByKugel


Recorded BySture Palmér
Liner NotesSture Palmér
Artwork ByLinde


  • Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Eftersträva att så småningom minska ned ljudstyrkan när Ni lärt Er huvudlätena.
  • RFEP-nummer inom parentes hänvisar till skiva i serien där omnämnd fågelart förekommer.
  • Copied from similar release
  • Sidhänvisningarna avser Radions fågelbok, som ersätter tidigare lösa textblad. RFEP-hänvisningarna i texten avser katalognummer i serien Radions fågelskivor.
  • Recordings of birdsound.
  • Part 5 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: RTJ-EP-6702 MB on side A, and RTJ-EP-6703 MB on side B.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 3 on side A, and 1 to 3 on side B.
  • Sidhänvisningarna avser Radions fågelbok (pris 10:75), som ersätter tidigare lösa textblad.
  • RFEP-hänvisningarna i texten avser katalognummer i serien Radions fågelskivor.
  • Part 12 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6808MA on side A, and Rtj-EP-6809MA on side B.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 3 on side A, and 1 to 4 on side B.
  • Part 32 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 4 on side A, and 1 to 3 on side B.
  • RFEP-hänvisningarna i texten avser katalognummer i serien Radions fågelskivor. Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Eftersträva att så småningom minska ned ljudstyrkan när Ni lärt Er huvudlätena.
  • Part 1 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 3 on side A, and 4 to 7 on side B.
  • Part 9 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 3 on side A, and 4 to 6 on side B.
  • Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Pröva högtalarnivån efter vanligt normalt tal t. ex. ett radioprogram). Eftersträva att så småningom minska ned ljudstyrkan när Ni lärt Er huvudlätena.
  • Part 14 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6812MA on side A, and Rtj-EP-6813MA on side B.
  • Top-opened, flipback cover variation
  • © Sveriges Radio - Made in Sweden
  • Part 17 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230.
  • Part 13 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6810MA on side A, and Rtj-EP-6811MA on side B.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 4 on side A, and 1 to 4 on side B.
  • Recordings of birdsounds.
  • Part 1 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Part 11 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6806MA on side A, and Rtj-EP-6807MA on side B.
  • Sidhänvisningarna avser Radions fågelbok (pris 10:75), som ersätter tidigare lösa textblad. RFEP-hänvisningarna i texten avser katalognummer i serien Radions fågelskivor.
  • Part 4 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6700 MB on side A, and Rtj-EP-6701 MB on side B.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 4 on side A, and 5 to 7 on side B.
  • Part 7 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Sidhänvisningarna avser Radions fågelbok, som ersätter tidigare lösa textblad. RFEP-hänvisningarna härovan avser katalognummer i serien Radions fågelskivor. Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Pröva högtalarnivån efter vanligt normalt tal t. ex. ett radioprogram).Eftersträva att så småningom minska ned ljudstyrkan när Ni lärt Er huvudlätena.
  • Part 3 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6698 MB on side A, and RTJ-EP-6699 MB on side B.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 3 on side A and 4 to 7 on side B.
  • Sidhänvisningarna avser Radions fågelbok, som ersätter tidigare lösa textblad.
  • Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Pröva högtalarnivån efter vanligt normalt tal t. ex. ett radioprogram).
  • Part 10 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230. Cover contains crossreferences to other volumes in the series.
  • Besides the above catalognumber, which is on the cover, the labels and in the mentioned index, the labels also state: Rtj-EP-6734 MA on side A, and Rtj-EP-6735 MA on side B.
  • Recordings of various birds.
  • Cover contains references to pages in the book 'Radions Fågelbok'
  • An additional catalogue number is written on the innerlabel: rtj-EP-6815MA
  • Part 6 of a series of 35.
  • The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230.
  • No info in A-side runout
  • Part 8 of a series of 35.
  • Uppspelningsråd: Reducera varken bas eller diskant. Eftersträva att så småningom minska ned ljulstyrkan när Ni lärt Er huvudlätena.
  • RFEP-nummer inom parentes hänvistar till skiva i serien där omnämnd fågelart förekommer.
  • Part 2 of a series of 35. The separately available index comes in the form of a 7"-sized 8-page booklet with all birds on RFEP 201 through RFEP 230.
  • Tracks are numbered 1 to 4 on side A, and 5 to 7 on side B


  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6956 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6957 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label side A): RTJ-EP-7004 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label side B): RTJ-EP-7005 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout groove): RTJ-EP-7004-MA
  • Barcode (Runout groove): RTJ-EP-7005MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6694 MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6695 MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6732 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6733 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label side A): Rtj-EP-6702 MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Label side B): Rtj-EP-6703 MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout side A): RTJ-EP-6702-MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): RTJ-EP-6703-MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6843 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6842 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6728 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6729 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6726 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6727 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Stamped Side B): RTJ-EP-6727 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): RTJ-EP-6730 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): RTJ-EP-6731 MA
  • Matrix / Runout (Stamped Side A): RTJEP-6730-MC
  • Matrix / Runout (Stamped Side B): RTJEP-6731-MC
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): Rtj-EP-6696 MB
  • Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): Rtj-EP-6697 MB

Summary by Midori Shimizu

Radions Fågel Skivor is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates experimental and ambient music. No Artist has truly outdone themselves with this album, creating a work of art that is both beautiful and thought-provoking. With its haunting melodies and intricate soundscapes, this album is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who gives it a listen.