Teenage A Gogo is a compilation album featuring various artists from the 1960s. The album is a collection of upbeat and energetic tracks that capture the essence of the era's music. The album is a must-listen for anyone who loves the classic rock and roll sound.
The album kicks off with the catchy track "Wild Weekend" by The Rockin' Rebels. The song sets the tone for the rest of the album with its fast-paced beat and lively guitar riffs. Other standout tracks include "Let's Dance" by Chris Montez and "Little Latin Lupe Lu" by The Righteous Brothers.
The album also features lesser-known tracks such as "The Crusher" by The Novas and "Lies" by The Knickerbockers. These songs are just as enjoyable as the more popular tracks and add to the overall fun and upbeat vibe of the album.